You’ve been there before. You’re on a tight deadline or have a limited budget and you have to put forth a 110% effort. This is just to meet the basics of what your client expects.
Your end product is but a shadow of what you envisioned. The visual appeal is nice, but certainly not stunning, or you’ve had to cut corners on functionality.
You get that hollow feeling that comes with knowing you could have done better. If only you had the time or resources.
The good news is, you don’t have to go through that situation again. There’s a solution to your problem close at hand, and it’s so simple as to almost be laughable.
It’s called a pre-built website. It meets specific industry standards and keeps up with the latest design trends. It also comes packed with the appropriate functionality and a more than pleasing UX.
Be Theme and Its 370+ Solutions to Your Problems
Be Theme is one of the premier resources for these time-saving pre-built websites. They know what they’re doing when they create them. This is evidenced by the fact they’ve been a ThemeForest top 5 best seller for several years running.
Be’s 370+ pre-built websites cover more than 30 industry sectors and business niches. This means you can expect to find a suitable theme no matter which business you are building a website for.
These pre-built websites can be customized from tip to toe. Thus, it won’t be unusual for you to have a website up and running in half a workday.
Using Pre-built Websites When You Have Limited Resources
Take a look at these sets of examples. They demonstrate how pre-built websites can help you deliver stunning websites. You will be able to do so in a short time and with limited resources.
Pre-built websites help you find the eye-candy color schemes you’re looking for
Both you and your client have to agree on a color scheme or the client simply dictates one. Om either case, you must take care that the color scheme selected doesn’t overpower the website’s content.
Using a pre-built website will usually take care of both situations. The color scheme is either OK, to begin with or can be slightly modified; either way will save you time and effort.
Be Theme covers more than 30 industries. Thus, finding the right color pallet will usually be a simple procedure.



You can follow trends without spending hours on research
You must keep up with the latest web design trends, or so the mantra goes. That may be true. But it can be difficult to do a decent job making it a priority when you have a deadline breathing down your neck.
The good news is, Be Theme keeps abreast of the latest trends as it designs it pre-built websites. No matter which template you use, your website will look fresh and original.



It’s easy to build interactive websites that create a memorable experience
As most website designers will tell you, building an interactive website is not a simple task. The challenge you face lies in trying to create a memorable experience. It is to make your website interesting enough to attract and engage visitors. It also needs to coax them into staying longer.
There are hundreds of ways to do so. They are ranging from animation and scrolling effects to a judicious use of sliders. Still, creating an interactive website can become a nightmare. This is if resources are limited; in which case, a pre-built website can save the day.



Design the perfect look for your client’s specific business
Designing a business website is never a one-size-fits-all proposition. It’s quite the opposite. Each industry has its own best design practices. Some of these can change with the season, adding to the research required on your part.
You can either spend more time researching or more time designing, but not on both. It’s a lose-lose game as you have only so many hours.
The solution? Choose a pre-built website, whose design is already in keeping with industry standards. It will help you produce a high-quality website that will meet clients’ requirements.



Get flawless UX without building a user journey from scratch
UX design is a skill in itself. It tends to be one of the most challenging and time-consuming design elements for a web designer. So, what do you do when the time is not on your side? You can farm the UX design out or simply give it your best shot, with neither being a particularly good option.
Why not simply take advantage of a pre-built website’s prepackaged UX? That’s the simplest solution and your clients will be fully satisfied with the results.



As well-prepared as you may be, working with limited resources is a common place.
Limited resources can be a problem when you’re juggling many designs and deadlines. Same goes for when a key person on your design team suddenly quits.
It has been said that your worst worries seldom happen, but as a web designer that saying doesn’t always hold water. Things do happen.
Sometimes, bad things happening can be avoided by turning to amazingly simple solutions. Like those embedded in these pre-built websites.
Be Theme has more than 370 of them addressing over 30 different business niches. These solutions are designed to allow you to step back and relax. You can still achieve superior results.