What is Microsoft AI?

Teodor NechitaTeodor Nechita

Microsoft AI

When we created computers we wanted to make it so that we can solve complex operations faster and more efficient. Once we’ve accomplished that, it was only a matter of time until someone thought that making the machines think for themselves would be a good idea.

While we are still far from the pop-culture depictions we see in the media, baby steps are taken each day, and we are using it to make the world a better place.

One such step in that direction is the development of Microsoft AI program, which is described as follows:

Microsoft AI is a robust framework for developing AI solutions in conversational AI, machine learning, data sciences, robotics, IoT, and more.

What can Microsoft AI do?

Currently, Microsoft AI can be used in a wide variety of applications, such as natural language understanding, sentiment analysis, speech recognition, image understanding, and machine learning.

Basically it is any complex process where it can do what a human can but without human assistance or supervision.

How does Microsoft use AI?

Microsoft is currently focusing on using their AI technology for the overall betterment of the world:

  • Protecting wildlife
  • Transforming healthcare
  • Better brewing
  • Feeding the world
  • Preserving history

How can I learn Microsoft AI?

Since Microsoft‘s AI program is still in its early stages, it goes without saying that the company is eager to implement it in as many areas as possible and make it evolve as fast as possible.

As such, they have even implemented a program called Microsoft AI School.

Microsoft describes the program on its website as follows:

Whether you’re completely new to AI or a seasoned professional looking to stay on top of your game, AI School is quite simply the best place to find the information, learning materials and resources you need to start building intelligence into your solutions.

Keeping their word, Microsoft made AI School available to anyone that wishes to apply. They even offer you a tailored experience on how to take the course after you complete a small survey.

However, the main centerpieces of the entire AI School are the AI Houses, each of which concentrates on certain aspects of AI. These are the following:

  • AI Business School
  • Conversational AI
  • AI Services
  • Machine Learning
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Responsible AI

What is the Microsoft AI fellowship?

Since Microsoft AI is currently being implemented in a wide variety of fields of study, funding the research necessary to make this implementation faster and more efficient needed to be made in a more organized and centralized fashion.

As such, the Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowships came to be. They are basically like a scholarship program for anyone that wants to implement Microsoft AI in their field of study.

Of course, only those that have proven themselves with great results throughout the years can apply for these fellowships.

Microsoft AI products

There aren’t any Microsoft AI products per se, but one application that can be considered a Microsoft AI product is the Microsoft AI Platform.

It is a place where both beginners and veterans in the field of AI can learn or hone their skills.

The platform provides you with all the tools you may ever need to get better at using Microsoft AI. These include the AI Lab where you can explore, learn, and code the latest breakthrough AI innovations by Microsoft.

Closing thoughts

It is always great to see how AI can be used for the betterment of the world, and Microsoft seems to be very proud of being part of that movement.

Whatever the future may hold for AI, one can only hope that it will continue to be implemented in more and more fields, and allow us to make the world a better place.

Do you think Microsoft did a great job with their AI School and AI platform? Let us know what you think in the comment section below.

