Declutter and DIY Toilet Paper – The Funny Beaver – Using Your Time Wisely

Declutter and DIY Toilet Paper

Now that the Wuhan disease has a firm foothold in many countries worldwide, one common theme is that balance and equilibrium from seemingly unconnected things have shifted in unexpected ways. One thing which we never had enough of in the modern world, “Time”,  we now have in abundance due to working from home and #stayinghome movement. One thing which we never thought twice about running out of, “Toilet Paper”, is now in short supply. What can we do to rebalance this new disequilibrium? What if we can convert Time to Toilet Paper? Well as Archimedes would say, Eureka! While time can’t be converted directly into toilet paper, time turns out to be the inventive catalyst, that can help you declutter and DIY toilet paper from unnecessary items lying around your house. Just remember to keep a little covered container next to your toilet for used DIY toilet paper as they will most likely not be very friendly to your bathroom plumbing.

First things first, the most important tool you’ll need for everything mentioned below is a trusty pair of scissors.

Decluttering Idea #1 – old quilting projects

Remember that old quilting project that you started but didn’t finish? You probably have a bunch of neatly cut squares of fabric just lying around in a box. Guess what else is soft and square shaped?

Or what about that old quilt that you did finish but was too ugly to use? Just cut into nice squares and enjoy the soft touch.

Decluttering Idea #2 – old stuffed toys

Do you all have kids that have out grown their collection of stuffed toys? Are they just sitting in a box somewhere gathering dust mites? Every year, thousands of stuffed toys are thrown out into the garbage. Well, why not dust them off and put them to use one last time.

Just beware of eyes and nose… it may contain hard plastic parts!

Decluttering Idea #3 – old Christmas stuff

While it seems like Christmas was ever sooooo long ago now, I’m sure you all have a bunch of used wrapping paper and Christmas cards stored in a box or cupboard somewhere. Seeing as Christmas will most likely be canceled this year, why not repurpose these paper and card stock to tend to a more immediate need. Make sure to scrunch them up several times to soften them, before putting them to use on your more sensitive parts.

Decluttering Idea #4 – old boxes

Anyone here an amazon prime member? Well then this might be a familiar scene in your storage room or garage. Guess what? All you need to convert these unsightly boxes into a pile of nicely sized squares of DIY toilet paper are a pair of scissors and free time. Just make sure to scrunch the squares in your hands several times to soften them up before using them on your more sensitive areas.

Bonus idea, keep one box as a storage solution in your bathroom and it can double as a backup when you’re down to your last square!

Decluttering Idea #5 – old clothes

If you look in your old t-shirt or sock drawer, I bet you’ll find shirts that you haven’t worn for several years. I bet some shirts are so worn out, you can’t even stand using them as pyjama or your “work from home” outfit. Well guess what, get that trusty pair of scissors, and get cutting.

Old socks with holes in them work well as long as you avoid the holes when you put them to use. Again, cutting the socks using the holes as starting point will help you with that nicely.

Decluttering Idea #6 – digitizing your old documents

With all that time on your hands, it’s the perfect opportunity to put your old documents in the cloud. After scanning them with your favorite scanner app. Just remember if it’s got sensitive financial personal information, you might want to cut that section out before using it as DIY Toilet paper. Again, remember to scrunch the paper several times to soften them up an avoid paper cuts!

Your kids’ old homework worksheets are a great resource to turn into DIY toilet paper. For nostalgia sake, keep two of the best work per year and scrapbook or better yet, digital scrapbook them! There is no need to keep an encyclopedic record of every piece of school work every accomplished by your child.

Just make sure to use the blank side or you might get crayon marks where the sun don’t shine.


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