Indexation rates for Residential Aged Care and Home Care Packages and Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR) changes

Date published: 

20 March 2020

Intended audience: 

Health sector

An update of the schedules for residential and home care fees and charges, as well as subsidies and supplements will take effect from 20 March 2020. This is in line with changes to the basic age pension and indexation rates.

The Services Australia quarterly review of fees and charges for all care recipients will be effective from 20 March 2020. Care recipients and providers will receive letters letting them know if there is a change to a care recipient’s fees and charges or if a refund may be due.

Schedule of fees and charges

View the updated Schedule of Fees and Charges for:

Schedule of subsidies and supplements

View the updated Schedule of Subsidies and Supplements.

Decrease to MPIR from 1 April 2020

The MPIR for ‘refund periods’ decreases to 4.89% for the period 1 April to 30 June 2020 for:

  • refundable deposit balances and accommodation bond balances
  • accommodation prices

The Base Interest Rate will decrease from 3% to 2.5% on 1 June 2020.

View current and past refundable deposit balances and accommodation bond balance refund interest rates.

Providers must ensure:

  • their published accommodation prices on the My Aged Care website are up to date. If you have any questions contact the My Aged Care service provider and assessor helpline on 1800 836 799
  • the accommodation prices published on their own website and in relevant written materials are up to date.