Clinical update: Pre-vaccination checklist for Zostavax administration

Date published: 

19 December 2017

Intended audience: 

Health sector

Date first published on the Immunise Australia website: 28 August 2017

Zostavax is a live attenuated vaccine for the prevention of herpes zoster and post herpetic neuralgia. It is contraindicated for use in significantly immunocompromised people.

The Department has developed a template which provides a checklist for immunisation providers to consider before vaccinating a patient with Zostavax (pre-vaccination checklist). This pre-vaccination checklist has been purposely developed to fit into a single page and created for potential personalisation and incorporation by GPs into their software as a template to screen patients pre-Zostavax. The use of drop down boxes for yes/no answers, and auto populate for Name, DOB, date of completion and provider details (in green) will make the process quicker to complete.

Please note, an additional two pages have been included at the back of the checklist to help providers with their decision making.

The pre-vaccination checklist, was developed in consultation with members of the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s Advisory Committee on Vaccines, members of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, and members of the GP Roundtable.

Live shingles vaccine (Zostavax) screening for contraindication
