Clinical update: ATAGI advice on Rotarix® to replace RotaTeq®

Date published: 

20 December 2017

Intended audience: 

Health sector


Date first published on the Immunise Australia website: 19 May 2017

Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) clinical advice to support the introduction of Rotarix® to replace RotaTeq® in specified Australian states (Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and Queensland) from 1 July 2017.

Key points:

  • The oral rotavirus vaccine Rotarix® (given in a 2-dose schedule) will replace RotaTeq® (given in a 3-dose schedule) in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and Queensland from 1 July 2017. After 1 July 2017, Rotarix® will be the only rotavirus vaccine used under the National Immunisation Program in Australia for children commencing their childhood schedule.
  • Both products have equivalent vaccine effectiveness and have led to a marked reduction in severe gastroenteritis cases in all Australian jurisdictions.
  • Rotarix® is administered at approximately 2 months (from 6 weeks) and 4 months of age. The main difference between Rotarix® age restrictions (compared to Rotateq®) is that the 1st dose must be administered prior to 15 weeks of age and the 2nd dose prior to 25 weeks of age.
  • During the brand switch period, some infants may potentially receive fewer doses than routinely scheduled when using the RotaTeq® brand. The specific recommendations will vary depending on the age of the child and rotavirus vaccination history.

Please refer to the document below which provides clinical advice to assist in the switch from RotaTeq® to Rotarix®. 

ATAGI advice on Rotarix® to replace RotaTeq®
