Clinical update: 2019 seasonal influenza vaccines – start of season advice for vaccination providers

Date published: 

12 April 2019

Intended audience: 

Health sector

Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons aged six months and over (unless contraindicated) to reduce their chance of becoming ill with influenza.

Key information about 2019 National Immunisation Program (NIP) influenza vaccines:

  • Four age-specific quadrivalent influenza vaccines (QIVs) are available at no cost to eligible people.
  • For those aged 65 years and over, an enhanced trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV) is preferentially recommended and available.
  • People eligible for a free influenza vaccine through the NIP include:
    • pregnant women
    • people aged 65 years and over
    • all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and over
    • people aged six months and over with certain medical conditions predisposing them to severe influenza
  • Optimal protection against influenza occurs within the first three to four months following vaccination. Timing of vaccination should aim to achieve the highest level of protection during peak influenza season. This usually occurs from June to September in most parts of Australia. Vaccinating from April provides protection through the peak season.

Medical professionals play a key role in informing patients and the public about the importance of influenza vaccination. To assist in promoting vaccination we encourage you to:

  • promote the vaccine to eligible people by displaying the program posters and brochures in clinics.
  • offer vaccination throughout the influenza season, particularly to at-risk groups.
  • ensure vaccine safety by checking they have the correct vaccine for the person’s age. Note all 2019 NIP vaccines include the age indication on the barrel of the syringe to make it easier to give the correct vaccine.
  • report all influenza vaccinations (for both children and adults) to the Australian Immunisation Register.

Resources for vaccination providers:

Resources for consumers:
