Clinical advice: ATAGI statement on use of Dengvaxia® for Australians

Date published: 

18 July 2019

Intended audience: 

Health sector

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has provided advice to support immunisation providers in their use of Dengvaxia® for Australians.

The ATAGI advice indicates:

  • the dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia®, is NEVER indicated for primary prevention of initial dengue infection
  • Dengvaxia® is potentially harmful and should not be used in people who have never had a dengue infection
  • Dengvaxia® should only be used to prevent subsequent, more serious secondary infections in specific groups
  • vaccination in individuals who do not have laboratory, clinical, and epidemiological evidence consistent with previous dengue infection appears to increase the risk of hospitalisation and serious disease
  • Australian travellers are NOT recommended to receive Dengvaxia® for short-term stays in dengue-endemic areas, even in people who have had previous dengue infection, as the risks outweigh any potential benefits
  • vaccination with Dengvaxia® should only be considered for Australians on very rare occasions when all of the following conditions are met:
    • aged 9-45 years; AND
    • have had previous dengue infections; AND
    • are intending to reside in highly dengue-endemic regions for an extended period; AND
    • only if the potential benefits are deemed to outweigh the risks.

Please see ATAGI’s clinical advice on Dengvaxia® for Australians in full.
